We've launched the BookSource Client Green Group!
Becoming greener and more environmentally sustainable has been a longstanding commitment at BookSource but we know it's a journey and not a destination. We also know it’s a journey we need our clients to be involved in.
The Group comprises of three members of the BookSource Team and representatives from six of our client publishers.
What is the purpose of the CGG?
Provide a forum to discuss practical ideas which reduce our negative impact on the planet.
Propose initiatives which can be actioned by BookSource.
Monitor the impact and success of Green projects.
What are the desired outcomes of the CGG?
Understanding of and Agreement on the Green priorities for the business
Improved sustainable practices within BookSource and amongst our client publishers.
We’ve already met twice in 2023 and we will shortly be sharing details on the initiatives we have been discussing.
Do you want to know more? Contact Leah Cullen.