We recognise the importance of working in harmony with our planet. We are committed to responsible business operations and to meeting our obligations to the environment. To minimise any negative environmental impact resulting from our operations we shall:
Comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements to which we subscribe and which relate to the environmental aspects of our business.
Include the consideration of environmental issues in all our business strategies and initiatives.
Prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimise the consumption of resources throughout our business.
Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials wherever possible.
Educate, train and motivate our teams in the benefits of protecting the environment and to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner.
Encourage and influence our suppliers, customers and clients to give consideration to the environmental impacts of their activities.
Establish an Environmental Management System to help us achieve these objectives.
Our Senior Management Team demonstrates its commitment to our Environmental Management System by:
Taking accountability for its effectiveness.
Ensuring that it is integrated with our business processes.
Ensuring that the resources needed to meet our objectives are available.
Ensuring that it achieves its intended outcomes.
Directing and supporting people to contribute to its effectiveness.
Promoting continual improvement within the business.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance. To that end we will revisit this Environmental Policy regularly and we will continually review our impact on the environment.
Our Environmental Policy is communicated to all our employees, external providers and other interested parties.
Date of Issue: 16/12/24
Signed D Bedi
Date of Next Review: 16/12/25
Print Name: Davinder Bedi.